Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How To Make A Hurricane Emergency Kit


As Hurricane Irma barrels towards Florida, there’s no better time to think about hurricane safety.
If you opt to stay in your home to weather the storm, there are a few things you can do to boost your safety and help protect yourself — and your abode — from high winds, lashing rain and other hurricane-induced conditions.

1. Board up your windows 
2. Make sure you have a hurricane emergency kit on hand so that you have food, water and First-Aid supplies at your disposal, especially handy in case of power outage or injury.

The National Hurricane Center recommends the following items in your disaster supply kit:
*Water (at least 1 gallon per person for 3-7 days.)
*Food (enough for 3-7 days. Include non-perishable items, non-electric can opener, snack foods and disposable plates/utensils.)
*Blankets and pillows
*First Aid kit, medicines and any applicable prescriptions.
*Special items for babies or the elderly, if needed
*Toiletries, hygiene items and wet wipes
*Flashlight and batteries
*Battery-operated weather radio
*Fully charged cell phone with extra batteries
*Cash and credit cards
*Toys, books and games
*Important documents enclosed in a waterproof bag or container
*Vehicles with full fuel tanks
*Pet care items (food, water, identification, leash, carrier and/or cage)

The path of Hurricane Irma is still uncertain, but if you find yourself affected by the storm, please stay safe. And if you’ve experienced a hurricane and have any other tips to offer, feel free to leave us a comment!

How To Make A Hurricane Emergency Kit was first posted on

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